Story Bible

MAPI Story Bible
Table of Contents
Summary                                                                                 Page 1
Characters                                                                              Pages 1-5
Character Interaction                                                             Pages 6
Timeline                                                                                  Pages 7-8
Story Arcs                                                                               Pages 8-9
Materials                                                                                Page 9-10

            The Morgantown Association of Paranormal Investigators (MAPI) is a collection of unique individuals who strive to discover evidence of the paranormal and protect the citizens of Morgantown from otherworldly dangers. The general public is unaware that Morgantown is a paranormal hotspot, so this daunting task is left to MAPI. The founding members are Alcyone Waters, Tim Grandy, Cassandra Evans, Agnes Cassidy, and Peter Sanchez. They have all encountered some ghosts or spirits, and these shared experiences create a sense of camaraderie that binds them together. 
Alcyone Waters
Alcyone is a woman of 22 who works as a projectionist in Morgantown. She is originally from Pikeville, KY and the daughter of a pair of fundamentalist Christian parents. Alcyone has always been rebellious, partly because she has always been a curious person and her love of books, film, and learning has taught her that her parents have been wrong on a great many things. Most notably, and damaging for Alcyone has been their belief that her temporal lobe epilepsy is in fact demon possession and their insistence on faith healers who concur with their assessment. Alcyone has fled their grasp to make a life of her own away from the church and manage her condition in a way that suits her own desires. She isn't fond of the usual medicines that she is prescribed, as she found depakote "zombified" her, and is currently on kepra and unofficially a medical marijuana patient.
She is aware that she sometimes hallucinates, sometimes repeats days or segments of days only to find it was a dream. It makes a regular job kind of difficult for her, but she goes to the cinema where she works faithfully because she truly loves movies. She relates much of her experience to film. Part of this is her lack of social experience due to her sheltered upbringing. She tries to seem tougher than she is, but she is a very lonely and insecure person desperate for friends and wanting to be liked rather than pitied.
She is deeply religious as a Wiccan, and believes in spirits, which she may in fact be able to see and interact with. Her unusual roommate may in fact be one of said spirits.
Fachtna has stayed with Alcyone from the time she was 11 and living under her bed. He is a form of poltergeist, as he stays with Alcyone rather than a particular location. He's disruptive, sometimes obnoxious, loud, and sarcastic, but he cares for Alcyone very much. He enjoys television and movies, a shared passion of theirs. Previously he liked to disturb her parents, but now has little else to do but talk to Alcyone and annoy the neighbors. 
 Tim Grandy
Tim is a 35 year old man who lives just off of High St, and has recently become unsatisfied with the level of mediocrity in his life. After quitting a fruitless 10 year job at Office Depot, he gets involved with MAPI out of pure curiosity. He finds a post from a group member, Cassandra, who's recently had a paranormal experience and is reaching out. Tim, lacking any other social stimulation, quickly becomes fascinated with the activities of the group. 
It is when MAPI concludes that Tim is once again slammed with his own empty reality. He mind turns to a delusion in which he is hired by an electronics manufacturer that sends him to harvest Iron Oxides on the surface of Mars. From there, he blogs about his "experiences" on the red planet, but also often reflects upon his time on Earth- in Morgantown, and with MAPI. By reflecting rather than participating, his perspective should give the group/ project a new dimension. 
 Cassandra Elise Evans
Cassie Evans is a 24 year old biology student at West Virginia University. She usually has a very laid back personality, but occasionally needs some time alone to keep herself from going crazy. She is originally from Sacramento, California. After graduating from high school, Cassie decided to go on an extended road trip, because her large family (which consists of two hippie parents and 6 siblings) was driving her crazy. After traveling cross country for about 2 years, her car broke down in Morgantown, WV and she couldn't afford to fix it. However, after being stuck in the small college town for a few days, Cassie decided she liked it and wanted to settle there for a while. All of the traveling was beginning to wear her out, and she was beginning to fear she wouldn't ever find anywhere to truly belong. She managed to secure a waitressing job at the Evansdale Boston Beanery and applied to WVU a few months later.
Now, four years later, Cassie is a senior biology major with a cat and an annoying roommate. After living in one place for 4 years, she is starting to get restless again. However, things liven up when she becomes interested in the paranormal after encountering the ghosts of a couple decapitated co-eds in the woods near Cheat Lake. Despite the fact she worries she may have hallucinated, she writes about her terrifying experience on her blog. She also searches the internet for anyone who may have experienced something similar. Eventually, these actions bring her in contact with the other MAPI members.
Agnes Cassidy
Agnes Cassidy is a 19 year-old college student at West Virginia University.
She lives in Dadisman and has had five separate roommates. The first, Amanda, switched to Summit mid-summer. The second, Bridgette something, never showed up on move-in. Colleen was the third, and also the alleged bulimic. Asia was the fourth and probably bathed three times in the two weeks before she transferred to a community college “closer to home.” The fifth is a catty ex-cheerleader named Brooke.
 She’s currently undecided as far as her major goes, but she’s very interested in psychology.
Her mother is Liz, or Elizabeth Cassidy. Liz is your stereotypical erratic author, specializing in science fiction, primarily hauntings. Liz likes to take her work a step further by actually living in haunted homes. Because of this, Agnes has lived in five different states. There is quite a bit of animosity between the pair. Agnes spent most of her childhood resenting her mother, which is referenced early in her blogs.
Agnes became interested in MAPI while perusing through the blogs on blogger and landing on a post by a student at WVU detailing a paranormal experience on Cheat Lake with the headless coeds. She responds to the girl’s post, as does two other individuals and the four decide to meet up.
But Agnes’s interest in the paranormal wasn’t recently founded. In fact, personal childhood experiences both influenced her interest and the animosity with her mother. In the last home she lived in with her mother, she experienced a rather unwelcoming presence in the home. She would hear a ball bouncing down the stairs and a child’s laughter when there wasn’t a little boy living anywhere near them. At the peak of this activity, she was asked to help Liz set up her office in one of the empty rooms on the second floor. She was curious at the small red chair in the middle of the room when she heard the door slam. When she turned she realized that it was gone. The walls started to close in on her and she was screaming her head off. Ten minutes later, Liz finally managed to break her daughter from her panic attack and Agnes realized that she’d been hallucinating the entire time.
While any rational mother would find another home upon their child’s fear of a home, Liz instead drew inspiration from her daughter’s experience, writing her latest novel about it. 
Peter Sanchez
Peter is a 28 year-old living Morgantown, WV. Peter dreams of becoming a big time reporter in a big city. He works for the local newspaper and has accepted his stale/boring lifestyle. He enjoys freelance reporting the most, writing and submitting articles to different news agencies. These articles give Peter a chance to write feature stories that interest him (a lot more interesting then the drunk college kids screaming outside of his apartment on High Street). Peter spends most of his time researching anything that stands out to be interesting to him. He has dark features, black hair with strands of gray that somehow cheated their way out early. He prefers to not shave his facial hair but grooms it neatly. He smokes cigarettes and drinks a lot of coffee, especially when he stays up all night trying to finish a story. He keeps a journal to jot down his surroundings and sometimes mentions his personal (psychological) encounters.
Peter was born in Brooklyn, New York. His mother and father raised him and his older brother there. He had a hard childhood, both of his parents struggled with alcoholism. Sleepy, mean parents seemed normal to teenage-Peter. He had a lot of freedom and could almost do anything he wanted when times were really bad. When he first started smoking cigarettes at age twelve, his mother found out and responded with giving him a pack of cigarettes. He had wild teenage years due to his need to be the life of the party. Peter always had to be right. He shows his teenage self with his arrogance and stubbornness today.
Peter’s free spirit is what allows him to find purpose in writing about the world around him. He knows things are not always what they seem to be and he hopes to bring larger pictures to light. The stories I want to tell through Peter are stories that are usually left untold. Peter loves solving unsolved mysteries and loves corruption even more.
Peter began to become bored with his reporting job at the local news paper and he started searching around the town for almost anything. He needed a challenging mission and since nothing was right in front of him, he started to eaves drop and search the web. He had heard about "hauntings" that occur around Morgantown but usually just laughed the topic off. After visiting a cemetery, he decided that he must help tell the stories that have not been written. He searched google and landed on a recent blog post by Cassie Evans. Cassie posted about her possible ghost sighting in Cheat Lake and Peter had to get an interview with this girl. Cassie told Peter about the group MAPI, whom Peter will eventually meet with as well. 
Character Interaction
Alcyone & Fachtna
These two are as thick as thieves, with a whole host of in-jokes. Fachtna is Alcyone's oldest friend, and the closest thing she's ever had to a boyfriend. She gets along disturbingly well with the monster under her bed. Her attachment to her poltergeist of possibly delusion somewhat alienates her from other people, but she deeply wants to make new friends and form a support network in her new home. Fachtna is highly protective of Alcyone, and will go berserk if anyone acts against her in her presence.

Tim & MAPI Members
Originally, Tim finds out about MAPI when he stumbles on a blog post by Cassandra. He's felt, or thought to have felt some kind of presence in certain areas of Morgantown, so it peaks his interest. Because Tim doesn't have a lot of alternate social interaction, he's ultra susceptible to the group's camaraderie. His persona becomes that of the always involved team member, who often even takes work home. One thing is for sure- after he joins the group he can never get investigating the paranormal off his mind. 
Cassandra & MAPI Members
After encountering the ghosts of two decapitated co-eds in the woods near Cheat Lake, Cassie writes about her experience on an online blog. She also searches the internet looking for people who have knowledge of or experience with the paranormal. These actions bring her in contact with several different people. First, she finds Peter on Twitter and gets his contact information because he is a reporter interested in paranormal activity. They exchange emails and eventually speak over the phone. Then, Alcyone stumbles across Cassie's blog post and comments on it to offer information about spectral activity. Tim and A. Cassidy also get in touch with Cassandra through the blog. Eventually, this interaction will result in the creation of the Morgantown Association of Paranormal Investigators (MAPI).
January 29, 2013-Cassie encounters two angry ghosts in the woods near Cheat Lake. She escapes and writes about her experience on her blog.
January 30, 2013-Cassie contacts Peter after viewing his Twitter feed, which asks people to report any paranormal experiences. They exchange emails and eventually talk on the phone.
February 2-5, 2013-Alcyone, Tim, and Agnes all contact Cassie through her blog.
February 10, 2013-Eventually, Peter asks everyone if they would be willing to meet in person so he could interview them about their paranormal experiences in person.
February 15, 2013-They meet at the Daily Grind, a coffee shop in downtown Morgantown, and discuss their various experiences. They decide to conduct a group investigation of Hotel Morgan to once and for all prove or disprove the existence of paranormal activity.
February 19, 2013-While conducting their investigation of Hotel Morgan, the group encounters the ghost of a little girl that drowned in a hotel bathroom in 1952. This encounter expels any doubts the group had about the existence of ghosts.
February 21-Alcyone’s parents locate her blog, start sending harassing messages and insist that she return to them and their church.
February 22, 2013-The group decides to continue investigating paranormal activity around Morgantown. Their goals are to collect enough evidence to prove the existence of the paranormal and determine whether or not the ghosts pose a threat to the residents of Morgantown.
February 27, 2013-Alcyone’s parents contact Peter hounding him for her address and accusing the other MAPI members of being a satanic cult.
March 1-May 5, 2013-They investigate hauntings at the following locations: Oak Grove Cemetery, East Boreman Hall, Elizabeth Moore Hall, Gobblers Knob, West Run Road, and Gobbler’s Knob.
May 8, 2013-Finally, they decide to camp out in the woods near Cheat Lake and investigate the haunting that brought the group together: the decapitated coeds.
May 9, 2013-At about 1a.m. the group is attacked beside their campfire by the angry spirits of the murdered coeds.
May 9, 2013-Alcyone flees with Fachtna’s aid, only to find herself running into her past. Fachtna goes berserk, gravely injuring her parents in a gruesome manner near the campsite, so she has got to get out of town.
May 10, 2013-Everyone remaining at the campsite is found dead, except for Tim. He begins to sink into delusions as a result of psychological trauma.   
Story Arcs
Alcyone story developments for the future
Other MAPI members will notice the unusual activity that is Fachtna
Alcyone's parents will try to take her back to Pikeville against her will
Alcyone eventually manages to escape her controlling parents, not certain how yet
She decides that even if she's considered delusional, she's happier living outside the norms of society
 Tim Story Developments for the Future
Tim will get very wrapped up in the group, and other members may begin to realize that he is unstable. 
His delusions of grandeur will begin to develop, but do not fully manifest until after the group concludes.
His posts on his personal blog will be reflections on his time in MAPI, and his interactions on the group blog will be current. 
 Cassandra Story Developments for the Future
Cassie will become very determined to find more evidence of paranormal activity as she comes to terms with her ghost encounter near Cheat Lake.
She becomes obsessed with researching the paranormal and occult, and receives valuable help and support from her fellow MAPI members.
She eventually returns to Cheat Lake and once more confronts the ghosts of the co-eds.
Agnes Story Developments for the Future
Agnes will take comfort in the fact that she is not alone in a paranormal experience.
As she warms up to her fellow group mates, she begins to share some of her experiences and proves to be a valuable asset to the group with her background. 
MAPI helps her come to terms with her experiences. She eventually confronts her mother. 
 Peter Story Developments for the Future
Peter will meet the MAPI group after interviewing Cassie about her paranormal experience in Cheat Lake.
Peter will find it hard to believe in the paranormal at first. When he meets the MAPI group, the members will share their personal stories with him, for a story he is working on. 
Peter visits different "haunted" places in the area and begins to notice strange things that have occurred. He even starts to recollect memories from that past that he simply tried to ignore.
Peter will decide to join MAPI after he admits to having personal experiences with the paranormal.
-Google Map of Hauntings
-Story Bible
-Google Map
-Peter’s PDF
-Character Video
-Google Map
-Tim’s PDF
-Character Video
-Google Map
-Alcyone’s PDF
-Character Video
-Google Map
-Agnes’s PDF
-Google Map
-Character Video
Other Materials:
Handout- MAPI Flyer (available upon request)

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